Directions Health

Level 6, Cosmopolitan Centre, Woden Square, Woden ACT PO Box 538, Woden ACT 2606
21 Bowes Street Phillip Australian Capital Territory 2606 AU

Today, we offer a broad range of treatment and support services including the Canberra region’s only primary health clinic specifically for clients impacted by alcohol, drugs and other addictions.
We can help clients with a range of issues, including physical and mental health, relationship concerns, housing and employment.

We also recognise the importance of minimising substance-related harm and improving personal and public health.

Our focus has always been on addressing the needs of our clients in a non-judgmental way and our service is available to anyone impacted by alcohol, drugs and other addictions, including those for whom abstinence is not the immediate goal.

We work with individuals, their families and friends, the sector and wider community to offer a comprehensive range of flexible and complementary programs that include a needle and syringe program, withdrawal, counselling and residential programs.

At the heart of our organisation is our mission: to instill hope without judgment; to work in partnership to maximise health and wellbeing; and with a vision to create addiction-free communities where lives are transformed and families can be families.